Download Restoret Version 9.1 FULL (with crack included)

Download Restoret Version 9.1 FULL (with crack included)

Restoret is computer software program which helps users to undo PC problems instantly. Restoret covers almost 99% of computer software related problems and has added feature “Drive Image” which protect computer in case of hardware failure. Restoret’s ability to recover instantly from software related problems makes it a standout utility among its category. Essentially Restoret offers an all round complete protection for PC users.

Easy and Fast installation - Restoret setup takes only one minute. It does not require hidden partition or reserved disk space. Upon completion of setup, Restoret creates a baseline snapshot which may be referred to as one of the “Restore point”.
Instant system recovery - In the event of any damage to the system, you can rollback your PC to a previous date and time in a matter of seconds.
File and Folder recovery - You can explore through a selected snapshot for any missing files and folders.
System and Data security - In the event of PC lost or stolen, password protect Windows boot up and encrypt snapshots to prevent unauthorized access to the system.
Bare metal recovery - You can create the Drive image and store into a bootable CDs which can be used for bare metal recovery in the event of hardware failure.
Access Control - Password protects the Restoret program console.
Instant recovery from PC crash - In the event of PC crash, you can restore the computer back to normal in the matter of seconds.
Explore snapshot as Virtual drive - You can open a snapshot as virtual drive to explore through the content of the snapshot and you can also recover files and folders from the virtual drive.
Defrag system snapshot - You can defrag the snapshots to enhance the system performance and reclaim the free space from deleted snapshots.
Detailed operational Logs - You can view the Program log records about application, security and system events.
Program Settings - You can configure every part of Restoret functions with program settings.
Schedule Tasks - With schedule task, it is possible to create snapshots and restore PC automatically.